California voters, according to a new poll, overwhelming support – no matter what their political affiliation – an end to the “double punishment of immigrant Californians and stopping transfers of Californians to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”
The new poll was provided by the U.S. Immigration Policy Center (USIPC) at University of California San Diego. “The polling results show that voters in California across the political spectrum are in strong support of ending California’s role in funneling our immigrant families, neighbors, and friends to ICE. California needs to stop subjecting immigrants to double punishment and allow immigrant families to be reunited,” Angela Chan, Policy Director and Senior Staff Attorney, Asian Law Caucus, which commissioned the poll. “This includes the vast majority, 76 percent, of voters who are unsure about recalling Gov. Newsom, who agreed with the statement “after an immigrant who is convicted of a crime serves their prison or jail time, they should be allowed to return to their community here in California and rebuild their life,” Chan added. The poll shows strong support across the political spectrum for the VISION Act (AB 937-Carrillo), which ensures that once a person has earned their release from state prison or local jail, they are not transferred to abusive and possibly deadly ICE detention and instead are able to return to their families and communities and rebuild their lives, said Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus, which commissioned the poll. Comments are closed.